DESIGN ITALY EDITORIAL by Cristina Morozzi: Getting Back Outdoors

We are rediscovering the value of time spent outdoors and in contact with nature, especially after the period of emergency experienced. Cristina Morozzi talks about this in her editorial.

Spring is in the air. After months of cold weather and bundling up at home against the cold, going out is a big thing and it’s time to gear up. 

The world of fashion has already given us some hints, identifying green as a predominant color, combined with floral prints. The world of interior design offers collections in metal with circular sections by Midj and designed by Paola Navone; outdoor seating in teak by Ethimo and designed by Matteo Thun with Antonio Rodriguez. Rubelli, historic textile brand with a luxurious floral collection in shades of orange and red on cotton fabrics.  

As springtime approaches, in our free time – weather permitting – we start closing our books, turning off our TVs, and taking more walks outdoors. The playground nearby looks more enticing. We slow down to observe plants in bloom. 

And if you want to really enjoy your first long walks outdoors, I highly recommend reading The Life of Plants: A Metaphysics of Mixture by Emanuele Coccia, who explains scientifically but simply how plants are intelligent creatures that are able to communicate with each other through their roots and how they are sensitive to relationships with other species, including animals and humans.

When a gardener came to treat my benjamin fig, which had become enormous during lockdown and had even put out fragrant white blossoms, I asked him about the plant’s unusual flowering. The gardener answered with a smile, “You can tell that it’s happy with you”.

If, when we are out and about in nature (even in the city), we reflect on the lessons of botanists who encourage us to dialogue with nature, we would notice the flowers that bloom on the ground in parks, the decorative aspects of foliage, and the various shades of green that surround us. Psychologists even recommend ‘silvotherapy’, or hugging the trunks of trees, which is an ancient practice that does the body and soul good and helps relieve stress. And our houseplants and those on our balconies and yards will flourish if we remember to look after them and water them.


As warmer days draw near, being outdoors in the yard, on the terrace or in the park will allow us to look around and build new relationships with nature, which finds a way to respond to our attention.

Discover the Outdoor Collection on Design Italy.

Cristina Morozzi